Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Few Small Feats...

Sometime in my lifetime, there are a few things I would like to accomplish...

  • writing a book
  • traveling basically around the world
  • learning French
  • swimming with dolphins
  • getting a degree
  • having a family
  • having a nice house in the country
  • sky diving
  • white water rafting
  • going on a missions trip

...and the list will probably be added to quite frequently, but that's it for now. Just thought I'd let you know.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

T'is a Fine Day...

I am currently watching Pride and Prejudice (the old one with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy), and am, therefore, in a whimsical type of mood. I wonder who today's Mr. Darcy would be...

Anyway, today is Easter, quite probably the most meaningful holiday of them all. It also marks the first day, since the beginning of February that I can again have ice cream, chocolate, cake, pop, and many, many other sweets. And therefore, my stomach hurts like no other. I have become quite frankly, a glutton. You would think that with all of the sugar I've had today, I would be bouncing of the walls, but the result is quite the contrary. I feel as if I could sleep for a week at least. I believe I've gained another stomach in the last ten hours.

Anyway, I'll leave the blogging world alone, and indulge in the last few minutes of the world of Miss Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy. He's proposing for the second time at the very moment.

Happy Easter :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

What Month Is It Again?

So my parents are re-doing the floors in our house; therefore, everything was crammed into the spare room while they were doing my room. And the snowmen just happened to be placed like this:

It looks like the Snowman family is being punished. Maybe subconciously we were blaming them for the snow that we STILL have in almost the middle of March! I think it's time for the snowmen to be put away.

Do I Really Need This?

So today I finally realized why so many people decide not to go to college when they have a job they like right out of high school. I'm not saying that I agree with the practice--hence the reason that I'm currently going to school and, oh yeah, hating it. Well not really; actually, I also realized what I don't like about school...but I'll get to that. Why people don't go to college--I have got to stop letting my undiagnosed ADD get the best of me. I was at school today for approximately six hours. It felt like thirteen. I was at work today for approximately three hours. It felt like fifteen minutes. So what's the difference? Here's what I came up with. I'm going to school for me. I'm paying for school. I'm taking classes (and again paying for classes) that I don't necessarily want to take. But I have to. Why? So that I can get a degree in what I think I want to do. And sometimes it's hard to see what sitting in a crowded room and talking about anything from getting wasted and not remembering the previous night to boys having urges to kill people with a group of random people (who also are wondering the exact same thing) while we wait for the instructor to do whatever it is that he's doing for 20 minutes at a time, has to do with teaching middle school students English. But when I'm at work (and this is only when I have something to do) I generally like what I'm doing. And I'm not getting graded on anything. There's a lot less pressure. Also, I don't necessarily have to take my work home with me. I do it there--unless I choose to take it home. And it's not necessarily for myself. It's for others. And unlike school, where the only one that benefits from me doing anything is myself, I'm usually doing something that will hopefully help someone else. And I'm getting paid to do this.

Now, the downside to not going to college. I know that I couldn't live on this cute little job forever. And there's this whole thing about security with a degree. (Although, I have a theory about the job security that I actually have now--but I think I'll save that for a later time.)

And why don't I like school? One word--deadlines. I hate homework. If I could just go to school and do everything there, I gladly would. And it's not the work that kills me--it's the having to take it outside of school and doing it. There are SO many more distractions outside of school; therefore, it takes me forever to finish anything...because let me tell you...I am the world's best procrastinator.

So there it is. My great epiphany of the day. Conclusion: Quit school and just find something that you like to do. Oh wait--didn't I just get done refuting this concept? Oh well...I suppose I'll just keep going to school. What else do I have to complain about?