That summer started off pretty rocky. I remember that when everyone in housekeeping met each other, not one of us liked each other. Well, I take that back. Two of us seemed to hit it off really well...a little too well actually, and I remember thinking to myself oh great, it's going to be a LONG summer. By the end of the summer though, we were best friends. And we had SO much fun. Those people changed my life. It was like we had known each other our whole lives...even though it was only 3 months.

Some of the things I remember most:
-"Hips Don't Lie" playing every five minutes
-"Housekeeping loves Bob"
-Red grafitti
-"Well what are you going to do in there?"
-"Hmm...you seem a lot less cranky than you were this morning."
-Watching Rescuers Down Under on the way to Sam's Club
-Chloe and Vern
-Cleaning trailers
-Pick-up lines
-Glow in the dark fabric paint
-The next step
-Bathsheba and David
-So many conversations

I've had some good summers since then, but I think it will always be the summer of 2006 that sticks out most in my mind. It was fun and carefree. And I know I have to move on and see it as what it is--just a really great memory. But part of me will always want to go back to that summer. 17 years old, cleaning bathrooms with some of the weirdest people, thinking of ways to pass the time, and laughing more than I thought was humanly possible.
So thanks, SBC Housekeeping staff of 2006. It was fun. Even if we were cleaning bathrooms :)

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